travel ·

DAY 117

Today we got up early to go on the science boat excursion, we got selected in the lottery to go out with the science team to do science-y stuff 🧪 🧫. We had arrived in Neny Fjord (68°16′S 66°50′W) overnight and set out to cruise around and collect samples in the Fjord.

On the zodiac we did plankton collection using a 20 micron net that we dragged behind the boat for 10 minutes. Then we tried to perform the Secchi disc test to see how clear the water was but it requires relatively calm/still waters and we weren’t able to perform the test.

After the science boat we had lunch on the ship and relaxed while the ship repositioned for the afternoon landing at Stonington Island (68°11′S 67°00′W). Stonington Island was the home of East Base for the United States.

After our landing we met up with Brian and Paul for dinner. As we ate dinner we noticed some cool icebergs and went to check them out.

After iceberg watching we continued our cribbage rivalry and Jacob and Paul won 😖.