travel ·


And we’re off! Packed and ready to go to Japan to kick off this epic adventure. Although getting out of bed was a real challenge and I forgot my toothbrush 😭. Definitely going to have to solve that problem when we land.

But we didn’t forget Triceraduck! This little guy is going to be our traveling companion for the next 6 months 🤓. He’s even got his own instagram.

We piled into an uber with Will and headed to the airport, it was a bit of a tight squeeze but we made it work. After we got thru security, we headed to the Polaris lounge for mimosas with Triceraduck and a sit down breakfast.

Then it was off to the board the plane and of course, Triceraduck is a first class duck. He snuggled into our side by side pods with Jacob (who got upgraded) and got ready for the 11hr 15min flight to Tokyo. And if you’re wondering if I’ll be keeping up with this level of detail the whole trip… probably not, except on long flights or spectacular days but I’ll try my best 😆!

Off the plane and breezed through customs to meet up with friends and pick up our JR Rail Pass that allows us to ride the bullet trains around Japan. After taking a short ride to Shinagawa station, we stopped to grabbed some beers and snacks as we waited for the train. Jacob and I also started our cribbage competition, he won the first game 🥺.

After enjoying our beers in the waiting area, we got on to the train to Kyoto and enjoyed the 2.5 hour bullet train ride at sunset.