travel ·

DAY 118

Today is Valentine’s Day 🥰. We started enjoying the day with kayaking excursion around a Red Rock Ridge (68°18′S 67°08′W), we got lucky on the lottery. We started by getting all the gear on, the fleece onesie, dry suit, and booties, then headed down to the tender pit to get our life vests and get fitted on the kayak.

Then we loaded into the zodiacs to go to the landing for the launching the kayaks into the bay near Red Rock Ridge. At the landing there were a couple penguins and seals lazing around.

We then spent the next hour kayaking around the bay checking out the wildlife and views. A couple time penguins came very close to the kayaks as the jumped in and out of the water.

We finished kayaking by landing next to some seals on the beach.

After we got all our gear on shore squared away we loaded back into the zodiacs and went to the ship. Once on board we hurried to take off the rest of our gear and get changed into clothes for our landing at Red Rock Ridge, our only continental landing on Antarctica 🇦🇶 for the trip. Within 15 minutes we were ready to go and back in the tender pit waiting to board a zodiac again. Then we sped away to Red Rock Ridge and unloaded in front of a large penguin colony. Then we immediately hiked to the top of the lookout to see what we could see, the views were great!

After the landing, we relaxed on the ship and drank the free bottle of champagne from our room in the bar as the ship sales to the next destination.

We ran into Brian and Paul at dinner and joined them for dinner and then decided to switch it up tonight and play Euchre in the bar.