travel ·

DAY 123

Today the ship started by cruising thru the Gerlache Straight and Jacob and I got up early to watch the scenery to roll by.

After lunch we got ready for our afternoon landing and chance to do the polar plunge. The landing was at Danco Island (64°44′S 62°37′W) and we hiked up to the lookout before waiting to do our polar plunge. During the hike up it started snowing and we got to watch penguin scurry up and down the hill to and from their nests to the ocean.

After the hike we came back to the beach to wait to do the polar plunge. An iceberg had recently broken off a chunk and caused ice to clog the beach. The excursion team wanted much of it to pass before trying to enter the water. While we waited we got to watch the penguins waddle by.

After waiting about 45mins, they finally let us go in for the polar plunge. It was cold as expected but neither of us expected the ice in the water to be sharp enough to make little cuts on our legs as we bumped into them.

Once back on the ship, Jacob went direct to the sauna to warm up while I took a hot shower. We then joined Brian and Paul for dinner. We then stayed in the bar until well after closing before wandering outside to watch the stars and see how the ship navigates at night.