travel ·

DAY 124

Today we’re doing our last landing before heading back across the Drake Passage to Ushuaia. We are landing on Deception Island (62°58′S 60°39′W) inside the caldera. Deception Island was used in the past for sealing and whaling, the remnants of the operation are steadily crumbling on the beach today. We also got to see a couple chin strap penguins as we wondered the beach.

After our landing the ship moved to False Bay for one last cruising before making the journey back across the Drake Passage. Jacob and I got lucky and drawn again to kayak as our last excursion from the ship. This time we loaded into our kayaks from the zodiac.

We returning from kayaking late and took sometime to warm up before meeting Paul and Brian for dinner and seeing a beautiful sunset. After dinner we made our way to the bar played cards and stay up late because there was nothing to do the next day while crossing the Drake Passage.