travel ·

DAY 134

Today we are hiking on the private reserve on the Huemules trail, the trail dead ends at a glacier and a refuge. We got up around 8am and got geared up and packed some snacks at the snack prep bar.

We started the hike in a light rain and we were sheltered by forest. Until we popped out of the forest at our first stop along the hike at Laguna Azul. I expected it to be blue but not such a deep dark blue, it was cool to see.

The rain picked up as we continued to hike and the trail got pretty muddy. But we eventually came to a long stretch of open area with boulders and pouring rain that soaked us thru our rain gear but we pushed forward to the refuge.

When we got to the refuge we were shocked to find a cozy cabin that was staffed by the Explora team. It had a nice warm fire to dry off near as well as beer and wine to go with lunch. It was a welcome reprieve from the pouring rain and cold.

After a relaxing lunch we set back out on the trail. The guide offered for us to take the adventurous way back and of course we chose adventure.

And because I can’t help being clumsy the last couple hundred feet of the hike I snagged my foot on a root and twisted my knee. Luckily we were close to the trail end and we got our ride back to Explora where I iced it while enjoying a cocktail. Luckily another guest was a doctor and he examined my knee and said I most likely just sprained it and I need to rest it for a day or two.

After cocktails we had an incredible dinner, probably the best of the whole trip. Then we went to the bar where Jacob had an impromptu whiskey tasting of mostly South American whiskeys. We stayed up late because the next day was a travel day to El Calafate.