travel ·

DAY 14

Woke up around 9am today and went on a 3.5mile walk around the local temples and gardens. It was a nice walk through the back streets of Kamakura. Along the way we ran into several praying mantises just hanging out in the road.

We then took the train to the other side of town to see Benten Cave at the Hasedera Temple. There are a set of shrines carved into the hill side forming a network of caves under the temple. I also got another excellent fortune! 

We then grabbed a quick lunch before taking the train to our final destination in Japan, Tokyo. It’s Halloween and we are meeting up with friends to have dinner, checkout a cool speakeasy, and then head to Golden Gai, a popular drinking area in Shinjuku. Janai Coffee is a speakeasy with a coffee store front, when you get to the basement store front it looks like a coffee shop that check in with the barista and walk thru the bookshelf of the coffee shop. 

After Janai Coffee we hopped from little bar to little bar in Golden Gai enjoying the tiny bars and chatting with locals. we eventually called it a night around 2a.m.