travel ·

DAY 16

We decided to sleep in and get a late start, after grabbing my some ramen we headed to Akihabara, the electronics and gaming district where you can find 10 story buildings full of video games. I bought a new tooth brush 😁. Then we played some video games poorly and got into a Photo Booth that did weird things to our faces, lol 😂.

Asakusa Shopping street and visited the temple there where I got my first bad fortune 😩. After tying it to the bad fortune rack we explored the side streets around the main area and got a croissant waffle thingy on stick.

After eating tasty waffle on a stick, we headed back to the Shinjuku area to meet up with an old friend and colleague that has been working in Tokyo for the last six months. Susan was an intern at Willow Garage and now is the head of a hardware team for a startup. We had a great night eating yakitori and checking out a cool speakeasy. You had to walk thru a retro-style coke machine to enter the bar, No Room for Squares.