travel ·

DAY 17

We slept in and then went to find gyoza, we ended up at an amazing gyoza place, Gyoza No Fukuho. But there was a bit of a lost in translation moment when accidentally ordered 18 gyoza each because we thought the set was gyoza and rice but it was just 18 gyoza 3 ways. Luckily the staff was really nice and helped us fix our mistake, but then gave 12 bonus gyoza, which was a lot of food. After stuffing ourselves on gyoza, we went to Tokyo tower to see the view from the top (you could see Mt. Fuji) and play some of the games in the video arcade at the base of the tower. We even did some drone racing at the arcade which was fun.

After Tokyo tower we grabbed a drink at Bar IX and chatted with owner a bit before heading to dinner fat a speakeasy called Igu & Peace. You enter the bar thru a bookshelf by pressing on a hidden iguana.

We then stopped by the Hachiko memorial. A memorial to a loyal dog that kept going to the train station everyday after work waiting for his owner after his owner had suddenly passed away. We then went to meet up with Aaron & Nicole for the night.