travel ·

DAY 18

Started out today with Okonomiyaki, Japanese pancake, and Monjayaki, which is less pancake and more soupy hot plate. We went to the 12th floor of Shibuya Scramble (a mall) and found a place dedicated to Okonomiyaki and Monjayaki. When we first sat down, both Jacob and I were very concerned that we actually need to know how to cook the dishes ourselves, we immediately started googling and watch videos. Much to our relief they have a person that comes to your table and cooks it for you. They cooked the Monjayaki at the table and then the Okonomiyaki was delivered separately fully cooked to the table.

After stuffing ourselves with Japanese pancake we went to Ameyoko (a shopping and drinking street) to wander around and played some games, we both realized it’s been a bit since we played DDR, let’s just say we suck…

We then we to meet back up with Aaron and Nicole on their last night in Tokyo. Nicole got us reservations at a local yakiniku place and we have yet another steak feast. One thing to point out is that the yen is pretty weak right now 100yen which is kind of equivalent to our dollar is only $0.65 and the country has had very little inflation. Most of our meals with drinks (beer, etc) and more food than one person can eat is under $10 per person. After dinner we journeyed back to Golden Gai for some last drinks and found two cool places to hang out, one was in the rafters of a bar called waterfall and rocket bar which was huge for Golden Gai bars.