travel ·

DAY 19

Our last full day in Tokyo, today we’re headed out to Kawagoe, also referred to as Little Edo because part of the town is still kept in the traditions Edo style. After taking a 45 minute train ride out to Kawagoe, we then walked down the main shopping street on our way to the area of the town that is kept in the traditional style. On our way we found some gyoza and fried rice, my favorite! Jacob had some hot soup, he started feeling under the weather and had a sore throat.

We then continued to the historical area, where we had some sweet potato (the local favorite) snacks, some local craft brews, and checked out the local temples, of course.

With Jacob feeling under the weather we went back to Tokyo and went out to Pepper Lunch for dinner, one of Jacob’s favorite places. Cheesy… Steaky… Goodness… 😋 Then we called it an early night to do laundry and pack for our early morning flight.