travel ·

DAY 23

After our long day yesterday we decided to sleep in. However when we got up and made our way to see the Grand Palace it turns out it was closed for the day due to the festival and the king being in town to do a ceremony at the Grand Palace. So we changed plans and checked out the National Museum. Unfortunately much of the museum didn’t allow for photographs, so pictures to show for it. But it had a large Japanese and Thai history of pottery exhibit that was very interesting and we spent a long time meandering thru. After 2-3hours at the national museum we grabbed some lunch at a place near the river that was really nice.

As we were trying to figure out what to do next, Jacob notice there was a poutine resturant so we headed for his Canadian Mecca. Let’s just say he was excited. He was very pleased with the poutine and we met some nice people while there that we chatted with for a bit.

After Poutine we went back to the hotel for a shower, pick up our laundry, and to relax for a bit before going out for the night.

Once we were done collecting out laundry we started out by search out Key Room 72 at the Josh Hotel. A speakeasy hidden in room 72 in the hotel or maybe I should say not so hidden as we went to the front desk and collected the key to enter the bar just off the lobby.

After a few drinks and snacks, we made our way to another speakeasy. This one was hidden much better and really cool. We also got lucky and were the only two in the bar and spent time chatting up the two bartenders. We then turned in early expecting to get up early and visit the Grand Palace in the morning before our flight to Siem Reap.