travel ·

DAY 24

We rolled out of bed early and made our way to the Grand Palace to see the Emerald Buddha. Given the scale of the other Buddha’s that I had seen on this trip, I didn’t expect the emerald Buddha to be a tiny Buddha maybe 1 ft tall sitting at the top of golden tower. Because it is the most important of the Buddha’s in Thailand there are no pictures allowed.

After the Grand Palace, we headed back to the hotel to pack and get ready for our flight. Unfortunately that’s when we realized that we had missed our flight, Air Asia changed the flight time and we didn’t notice. After making all the calls that we needed to, booking a new flight, and extending our stay at our Bangkok hotel. We set out to explore one more speakeasy before we headed to Siem Reap. We went to Root Bar which was a cool speakeasy that has a discrete door covered in posters and publications that hide the door.

Once inside the walls and bar are covered in what looks like the roots of a tree. After a few drinks we headed to grab a quick bite to eat and call it an early night since our newly scheduled flight was early in the morning.