travel ·

DAY 31

Today we slept in and got brunch at Common Man Coffee. I had a croque madame and Jacob had eggs Benedict. It was a much needed brunch after our exploits of the night before.

After we decided to spend sometime in the roof top pool of our hotel. It had a nice view and the pool was a cool relief from the hot day.

After pool time and a nap, we had a free drink in the lobby bar with these cool tokens they gave us at checkin.

Then we set out to checkout more of the speakeasies in Singapore. Following Jacob’s pattern of getting insect filled drinks, he got one that came with a side of ants on a weird sort of lollipop thing at The Spiffy Dapper.

Next we went to Stay Gold Flamingo, which is hidden in the back of a coffee shop. There we met a cool bar tender who made us some original and delicious cocktails. We then called it a somewhat early night as we were heading to Bali the next day.