travel ·

DAY 38

My head cold is slowly clearing and I’m hoping it’ll get easier to descend. Also I hate getting up early 😭. One thing to note is Jacob and I have only been diving with one other person so far, the other person in our group also has a head cold and can’t dive.

Dive 1 – Cape Kri

This was a nice dive full of turtles, one of my favorite sea creatures. Also saw a random eel.

Dive 2 – Yenbuba Jetty

Another nice dive with more turtles!

Dive 3 – Sawandarek

This dive was a extremely memorable dive, for lots of reasons. One being that the fourth person finally joined our group, got to around 75ft of depth, and then had a coughing fit underwater and surfaced rapidly 😖🤯. They had to go on oxygen and be watch for decompression sickness. Our dive leader handed us off to another group and we continued our dive. The second being that this dive just had so much to see including several giant turtles, large schools of fish, and giant clams.

After the dives we relaxed on top deck and watched the sunset. I think we’ll be spending most evenings enjoying the sunset.