travel ·

DAY 39

Today we once again did three dives and then did a little trek on Pyanemo Island.

Dive 1 – Keruo

This was a nice dive and I decided to mainly take video on this dive, so not a lot of pictures. Below is a clip from the dive.

Dive 2 – Rufas Rock

This was a good dive but a somewhat fast drift dive and hard to stop to take many pictures. At the end of the dive there was less current and a snapped a couple pics of nudibranches.

Dive 3 – Melisa’s Garden

This dive had a very strong current and the goal was to swim around the plateau to get to a swim thru to a lagoon. I took very few pictures on this dive due to the current.

After the dives we took a trip to the Pyanemo geosite island and climbed the 400 stairs to see the stunning view.