travel ·

DAY 42

Today we’re diving around Wofoh island and we’re also doing a night dive here.

Dive 1 – Wofoh Wall

This was a fun dive, we started out by seeing an octopus that quickly climbed in a hole but still cool to see. The lots of life with turtle, nudibranches, and a wobbegong shark.

Dive 2 – Wofoh Slope

This dive had a small ray, eels, and more nudibranches.

Dive 3 – Wofoh Garden

This was a nice dive as well, we even got to see a Pygmy seahorse, although I did a terrible job of taking a picture of it.

Dive 4 – Wofoh Channel

The night dive however was a bit of a disaster, I had my first panic attack. It was rough, thankfully Jacob helped me thru it and I didn’t do anything stupid. I did spend the rest of the dive after the panic attack holding Jacob’s hand while we dove and didn’t take many pictures. I just got one video of this squid before it released ink and shot off into the darkness.