travel ·

DAY 44

Today is another Manta Ray day, excited! As well as a night dive day 😬.

Dive 1 – Manta Sandy

Hoping to see lots of mantas on this dive but only saw one briefly. Also found a turtle having a snack.

Dive 2 – Arborek Jetty

Found several octopuses 🐙 on this dive and hung around waiting for one to crawl out of its hidey hole. It also changed colors several times and was very cool to watch.

Dive 3 – Manta Ridge

This was such an incredible dive, so many mantas that were so close. The briefing for this dive was serious, there was a strong current and we would be hooked in to the reef. Mistakes would have serious consequences as the current was a down current that would sweep you down to 100+ft very quickly and end in death. They even drew a skull and crossbones ☠️ on the dive briefing board to make sure we heard the message load and clear.

Dive 4 – Arborek Jetty

We went back to the jetty for the night dive, my anxiety was high given the panic attack on the last dive. I did okay until the end of the dive when Jacob grabbed my fin to get my attention and sent me spiraling into a panic attack.