travel ·

DAY 48

We woke up early-ish to put in our order for the floating breakfast. Put on some sunscreen, our swimsuits and headed for the rooftop pool. The view from the pool was incredible and the floating breakfast was way too much food. we had some fun swimming around before we ate breakfast.

After enjoying our luxurious breakfast we went back to the room to change and shower for our visit to the monkey forest. Although we learned that Jacob is not so good at putting on sunscreen 😖, pretty ugly burn. After taking care of the burn a bit we walked to the scared monkey forest which was a lot of fun and where we got a monkey selfie🐒.

After the sacred monkey forest we went to the ubud palace, after wandering thru the local art market and checking out other shopping streets.

We then wandered back to our hotel for afternoon tea, Jacob was pinkies out.

After we went back out to have drinks and then had an evening couple massage and flower bath at the hotel.