travel ·


Today we got a late start… it may have had something to do with me bailing and going back to the hotel at 2:30am or Jacob stumbling in at 5:22am. What can we say, it was a good night 🤷‍♂️. We’re headed to Nara with Aaron and Nicole. Nara is a city about an hour outside of Kyoto and famous for their bowing deer and the temples.

Once off the train we started walking toward the Ttemple. Along the way we stopped to buy some deer crackers and feed the deer. They are a bit aggressive and will bite and head butt you to get a cracker or even try to run off with you belongings. Nicole got bit hard enough it left a rather large bruise on her stomach. After that we became a bit skittish when the deer got too close with their mouths. Also it turns out it’s mating season.

After feeding the deer we walked the temple route around Nara checking out the different temples and shrines. And of course stopped for a fortune telling along the way… they always seem to be good, I wonder if that’s just the way it is.

After all that wondering around we sat down for Gyukatsu and beer and it was delicious. Then went to bar to try the local sake before heading back to Kyoto for founder fun.

We somehow decided when we were drinking that Derek would be in charge of the dinner plans. He came thru and found this cool yakitori place with private dinning/karaoke room. We all sang poorly and had a ton of fun catching up.