travel ·

DAY 53

Today we got up early to got wine tasting on Waiheke Island. We took the ferry from Auckland to Waiheke and met our guide at the ferry station.

On the ferry ⛴️

When we got there our guide let us know that the other people who were supposed to be on our trip missed the ferry. So he was going to take us to a winery in the meantime while he waited for them. The first stop was Mud Brick winery and the wines were good and the pours were very heavy. Our guide kind of abandoned us, so we decided to grab some food, I was already a little tipsy after tasting 6 wines. We got a cheese plate and enjoyed the view.

The rest is a bit of a blur, after the second winery I was feeling pretty good and didn’t take too many pictures.

After the day of tasting, I was a done and we went back to the hotel for a nap and a night in.