travel ·


Started the day with a couple hours of e-mail and a couple meetings then Jacob and I set out to see temples, monkeys, and the bamboo forest. But before we got to the sightseeing we needed to grab lunch. We ended up getting spicy beef ramen and dumplings near Kinkaku-ji Temple, so tasty. 

We took a stroll around Kinkaku-ji Golden Pavilion which is coated in gold leaf and was rebuilt in 1955 after it burned down in 1950.

We then stopped for vending machine desserts, I got ice cream in a pouch and Jacob got a cool wafer wrapped ice cream bar. 

After our ice cream break we headed to see the monkeys which are hanging out on a lookout area with a great view. And of course there were some cute baby monkeys running around as well.

We walked back down towards the bamboo forest when Jacob saw there were crème brûlée donuts, so we had to stop and share a donut. Then we finally walked our way to the bamboo forest. 

We wrapped up sightseeing and headed back to get ready with old friends and Fetch integration partner for Japan, Innovation Matrix. It had been a long time since we had been together in Japan, so we set out to have a great night with lots of food and karaoke. We finally made it home at 6am the next morning.