travel ·

DAY 72

Today we’re going on an ATV and whitewater rafting trip. The ATV-ing part was okay, we got geared up and went on a too slow drive thru the bush. There were a couple people who didn’t know how to ride ATVs and the guide decided to go painfully slow.

After the ATV tour we grabbed a quick lunch and came back for rafting. After getting geared up we set out on rafting down the river which was a class 2 river with few rapids. But there was a place we could jump into the river.

After rafting we took a jet boat back up the river to the boat inlet.

Once back, we got dried off and set out on our drive to Kaikoura. We arrived in Kaikoura checked into our hotel and dealt with our leaking cooler. We then went for dinner, some drinks, and walked downtown Kaikoura before calling it a night.