travel ·

DAY 85

Got up early for the first dive of the day.

Dive 1 – Twin Peaks at Saxon Reef

This was a cool dive, we found a cuttlefish that just hung out and let me get close enough to take pictures. Also my regulator was still leaking 😖.

In between the dives we just chilled in our room and relaxed, but the dives on this live aboard felt really back to back.

Dive 2 – Twin Peaks at Saxon Reef

This dive was the same site at dive 1 we just went in a new direction. We spotted a pipe fish on this dive, as well as some rays and a big clam.

Unfortunately about an hour after this dive, I started having pain in my hip and then I got weakness in my left shoulder. Jacob and I went to the dive team immediately and they put me on oxygen right away. It seems I had decompression sickness or the bends. After an hour my symptoms lessened and they transferred us to the day boat to go back to the mainland and the hospital to get checked out. I was on oxygen for the next 2 hours during our trip back to the mainland. This of course ended our dive trip 😖😞.

Once back in Cairns, I was checked out by doctors and they said I had DCS and I needed to rest. Jacob found us a nice hotel to stay in and we went there for me to rest… I was exhausted.